微型逆变器先锋启动能量进行IPO - 破坏太阳能!

The solar market has grown far beyond what most analysts had predicted even 5-10 years ago, and Applied Materials has played a key role in driving down the costs of solar modules by helping to improve efficiencies and through advances in太阳能电池制造技术.

However, while falling module prices have made solar somewhat more affordable, the net system installed cost is still very high, especially in the residential and commercial markets. As anyone who has tried installing a solar system on their rooftop knows, the final, installed price is still high, largely because of the balance of system (BOS) – all the upfront costs associated with a photovoltaic system except the module*– hasn’t declined at the same rate as the modules prices. If we could lower the BOS cost, we believe a great deal of pent-up demand could be unleashed.

2007年,Applied Ventures,应用材料的风险投资团队,亚博最新版本


First, if one module in the string is shaded, even by something small such as a tree branch, the output of the entire string would fall. Second, it’s challenging to mix and match the modules with different power specifications on the same string and string balancing required training and made it harder for the user to add new modules. Third, the use of DC cabling from the module to the centralized inverter created cost and safety issues: DC cable is much more expensive and because of live DC wires, highly skilled professionals are required to supervise each installation to ensure against safety hazards. Lastly, the expected lifespan of a central inverter is considerably shorter than the modules themselves, forcing operators to consider the expense and inconvenience of periodic inverter replacement.

2007年,we identified渐变能作为可能破坏现有BOS模型的公司。他们的关键想法是通过将“微型逆变器”连接到每个模块来消除大中央逆变器。因此,这些模块可以串联连接 - 解决阴影问题 - 并允许使用普通,廉价,安全的国内交流接线。为了增加能量收获,渐变的微型抗体具有创新的“爆发模式”,可以在弱光条件下捕获更多的功率。作为奖励,他们的微型助力者打算持续到模块。值得绕道their website, which explains their innovations in much greater detail than I can in this blog post.

显然,Enphase具有出色的技术,但是许多其他因素促使我们投资于enphase。Enphase团队以前曾致力于为电信市场开发可靠的系统解决方案,高度专注于提供可靠的端到端解决方案。他们的软件监视使系统所有者可以在模块级别仔细检查其系统性能 - 粒度水平比中央逆变器所能高得多。最重要的是,他们还确保设计和建筑旨在使允许,劳动和安装更便宜,更快。迄今为止,Enphase已发货超过150万个微型逆变器,并在美国和在欧洲市场中的存在增长了很多。


在Applied Ventures,我们继续看好太阳能乃至整个清洁技术领域的长期前景。我们正在积极研究全球清洁技术领域的机会。如果您是清洁技术企业家或初创企业,我很想与您交谈,并鼓励您在下面的部分发表评论。

* I should mention that although the Department of Energy’sglossarydefines BOS this way, some prefer to break out installation costs separately. So, sometimes you’ll see the phrase “BOS installation costs” used instead.

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